South Florida Asbestos Lawyer

Have you or a loved one in the South Florida area been diagnosed with mesothelioma? We at The Ferraro Law Firm are experienced mesothelioma lawyers and we understand this can be a very frightening experience for all involved. You also may potentially be compensated for your losses if you or a loved one developed this illness as a result of being exposed to asbestos.

Discuss your case with one of our personal injury attorneys in South Florida to learn more about your options. A dedicated South Florida asbestos attorney can help you secure the full amount of financial compensation you may deserve.

South Florida Asbestos Cases: The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure

Inhalation of asbestos fibers is among the main causes of mesothelioma. Exposure to asbestos can also put someone at risk of developing similar illnesses, such as lung cancer and asbestosis.

The following household items may contain asbestos if they were manufactured prior to the enactment of legislation regulating the usage of this harmful material:

  • Insulation
  • Vinyl flooring tiles
  • House siding
  • Roofing shingles
  • Heat-resistant fabrics
  • Car brakes

Exposure to Asbestos in the Workplace: What You Need to Know

While it is possible to be exposed to asbestos in your home, very often, exposure to dangerous levels of asbestos has historically occurred in the workplace. Asbestos is often found in construction materials, various car parts, and a range of other industry-specific items

Sadly, the types of jobs that involve a high risk of being exposed to asbestos tend to be fairly abundant in South Florida. It thus comes as little surprise that the rate of mesothelioma-related deaths is higher in Florida than it is in many other states throughout the country.

Workers who are exposed to asbestos on the job have also been known to unintentionally put their close loved ones at risk of becoming ill. This happens when asbestos particles and fibers accumulate on their clothes at work. When they return home, they may bring the fibers with them, accidentally exposing their families to a dangerous material.

If you or a loved one has developed an illness that you suspect is the result of exposure to asbestos, meet with the experts at our personal injury law firm in South Florida to review your case. We are prepared to help you pursue compensation for your medical bills and related losses.

Frequently Asked Questions: Mesothelioma & Asbestos

  • What is asbestos?
  • Why is asbestos dangerous?
  • What are asbestos-related diseases?
  • What causes mesothelioma?
  • What are the different types of mesothelioma?
  • What are common mesothelioma symptoms?
  • Do I qualify for compensation if I have mesothelioma?
  • What is the life expectancy for someone with mesothelioma?
  • Do I qualify for compensation if I have mesothelioma?

How Our Asbestos Law Firm in South Florida Helps

A South Florida asbestos lawyer can play a critical role in helping secure compensation for victims. Specifically, we can:

  • Investigate your case to determine where and when you were exposed to asbestos.
  • File a legal claim to secure compensation via an asbestos trust fund if a negligent party set one up when filing for bankruptcy.
  • File a lawsuit against the negligent party if no asbestos trust has been established.
  • Determining how much compensation you might deserve based on the extent of your losses.

Free Case Consultation

Our personal injury lawyers in South Florida do not merely promise results. We have a long history of actually delivering on our promises to victims of asbestos exposure. We will be glad to explain to you precisely how our aggressive approach has helped us secure millions of dollars in compensation when handling past South Florida asbestos cases. To schedule your free case evaluation, contact us online today. One of our experienced mesothelioma attorneys will be in touch to discuss your legal options.